
Hi my name is Stuart Brown. I will be teaching English in Grades 7 and 8 during the 2009/2010 School year. I am from England. This year I find myself situated within a beautifully unique country. The journey so far has been extremely enjoyable. I hope to see as much of China as I can during my time here. Having already visited Hong Kong and Macau, I am finding the difference between mainland China and the afore mentioned destinations interesting and very welcome . China is definitely a unique experience and one to be enjoyed.


Having studied for many years through varying levels of education I find the challenge of learning Mandarin (hànyŭ and hànzì) exciting. I know it will be a difficult challenge.

I have a BSc degree  in Anthropology from the University of Kent, England. Anthropology is a form of cultural study. 'Anthro' literally means 'Man' in Greek and 'ology' means to study. Anthropology literally means the 'study of man'. What is it like to be human?


I enjoyed my University studies so much that I felt compelled to travel. In 2006 and 2007 I travelled to Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia, Bali, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Macau and Hong Kong. I am very fortunate to have visited so many wonderful countries. My three favourite destinations, so far, have been Angkor Wat (Cambodia), Macchu Picchu (Peru) and Mont Saint Michael (France). I have yet to visit the Great Wall of China or the Yellow Mountains.

 (1) Angkor Wat                                              (2)Macchu Picchu                                     (3) Mont Saint Michael  

As a person I have eclectic hobbies. I love sport and being English particularly Football. I passionately support West Ham United. I enjoy playing Football and would be more than happy to teach some of the students in their spare. I also like Snowboarding and Basketball. I am sure some of the students have played Basketball with me after school. Golf is another sport that I enjoy but I have yet to hear of a Golf Course in Anqing. Away from the sporting interests I enjoy reading, writing and general photography. Generally speaking I respond well to all types of creativity whether it be written, drawn, engineered, spoken or played.
(4)    West Ham United Logo      (5) Snowboarding in Norway January 2009




I hope to get to know the children well over this coming year and that they work hard and enjoy my teaching